Program Overview

Team Thrive is a comprehensive corporate wellness program, developed leveraging my degree in psychology and extensive experience as a Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, and Mental Fitness Coach certified in Positive Intelligence. This holistic program is specifically designed to enhance employee well-being, boost performance, and improve interpersonal relationships within the workplace.

Key Components

  • Physical Fitness Sessions: Customized group fitness sessions promote physical health and endurance, tailored for all fitness levels.
  • Yoga Practices: Regular yoga sessions enhance mindfulness, meditation, and overall well-being, suitable for beginners and experienced participants alike.
  • Sound Baths: Utilizing the sound vibrations of crystal bowls, these sessions promote deep relaxation and mental clarity, supporting the mental fitness practices I teach.

Mental Fitness Workshops

  • Positive Intelligence Training: Grounded in Positive Intelligence methodologies, these sessions enhance mental resilience, performance, and peace of mind, including weekly video education and group discussion opportunities.
  • Digital Engagement Through an App: Guided exercises increase the Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), helping employees manage stress and respond to workplace challenges with greater agility and positivity.

Custom Content and Resources

  • Local Hikes: Guided hikes that connect teams with nature and each other, promoting physical well-being alongside mental relaxation and team bonding.
  • Corporate Retreats: Tailored retreats combine elements of physical fitness, yoga, and mental fitness workshops to rejuvenate the mind and body and foster a strong, cohesive team dynamic.

Program Goals

  • Comprehensive Well-being: Addressing both physical and mental fitness to create a balanced approach to corporate wellness.
  • Robust Team Dynamics: Enhancing team understanding and empathy through shared experiences and mutual learning, fostering a supportive workplace culture.
  • Sustainable Performance Improvement: Equipping employees with tools to maintain high levels of personal and professional performance.

Customization and Scalability

Team Thrive is highly customizable, offering modules that can be adapted for different group sizes, needs, and preferences. Options range from introductory workshops to extensive ongoing engagements.

Pricing Structure

I offer a flexible pricing model that includes per-session, monthly, and annual plans, providing value at various engagement levels.

Connect with Us

Experience Team Thrive's transformative impact firsthand. Call or email me to schedule a demo or discuss how we can tailor this program to meet your organization's unique needs. I look forward to partnering with you to enhance your team's well-being and performance.

Contact Us

© 2023 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, PQ COACH™ and P+ logo™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication, or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

Disclaimers: The coach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent, or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC. The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach, and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC.PROGRAM CONTENT AND MATERIAL DO NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE AND ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT OF ANY MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION.